Fast-paced disruption is the common denominator today. Innovation displaces existing companies, business models, products, services and ideas. Those business owners who endure are those who are always seeking to be a disruptor rather than being disrupted. They always have a startup mindset and always begin with the end in mind. They begin with their "Fourth Quarter" First. And, just like America's pioneers before them, they are going for it - and winning big!

Nick Niemann is one of the co-creators of the international bestseller, Business Model Generation. Crafted through a collaboration of 470 strategic thinkers from 45 countries, and with over 1,000,000 copies sold in 30 languages, this handbook for visionaries, game changers and challengers introduced the world to the Business Model Canvas and to a worldwide movement of those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new, innovative models for creating value. The Business Model Canvas is a powerful and practical innovation tool being used by over 5,000,000 entrepreneurs throughout the world to describe, design, challenge, invent and pivot their business models.

As Nick has traveled speaking to thousands of business leaders from around the world, he has seen firsthand how many organizations are simply stuck in perishable business models, unable to recognize or to make the changes needed to overcome the “perfect storm” of change threatening all organizations today. Nick’s newest book, The Business Model Myth Solution, identifies the 7 root forces behind the culture and leadership mindshift which all organizations need to unleash to create lasting business model success today.

The Next Move for Families provides parents and grandparents the key Estate Planning moves they need to take to protect themselves and their families. It presents an easy-to-read proactive plan on how to best utilize the Estate Planning opportunities available today. It shows you what you need whether you have a small or large estate. The objective is to help protect your net worth, minimize taxes, maintain your control of the process, and help assure your personal, financial and legacy objectives are met.